Deniz Paradot

Jan 3, 20215 min

30 - Day Qigong Challenge

Create an amazing life.

Join me on my 30 Days Qigong Challenge to form a Qigong and Mindfulness habit that will become part of your daily routine one step at a time.

Do you feel stuck?

Do you have a real desire to change, but can never make that change stick? Perhaps life just gets in the way, leaving you feeling shaky about your ability to create lasting change. You know you need a routine but are unsure where to start. Does any of this sound familiar?

Then the time is now. Are you ready to invest a small amount of time and effort into making a change? You know that if you’re happy and healthy, everyone else around will be too.

By doing my 30 Day Qigong Challenge, you will...

  • Feel less stressed

  • Become healthier

  • Enjoy your life

  • Become more resilient

  • Feel motivated to change

  • Stop procrastinating

Let’s get ready to start your transformation.

How does the 30 Day of Qigong work?

The 30-day Qigong Challenge allows you to discover Qigong in the comfort of your own home and where I will help you turn it into a daily practice that you will enjoy every day!

  • Every weekday over 30 days you’ll join me, Deniz, live (or via catch-up) and learn the fundamentals of Qigong and Mindfulness

  • Every week the classes will get a little longer to build our strength and stamina

  • Every weekend you commit to self-practice and repeat what you’ve learnt during that week

  • You get daily support from me, giving you the opportunity to ask questions

  • You will have the option (highly recommended) to join your own community on Slack for peer support and accountability. You're not alone on this journey.

What is Qigong?

Qigong is the perfect mental and physical ‘pick me up’ and is wonderful for our general wellbeing. It is a great gentle exercise, combining mindful movement, breathing and intention, relaxing our mind, body and soul. It can be done standing or seated and has enormous health benefits. For example, it helps align your posture and improves movement, can help reduce pain and improve blood pressure as well as make you sleep better and feel more grounded. The benefits are endless!

At the end of the 30 days, you’ll feel:

Happier, healthier and ready to get life, knowing you are on your way to building positive health habits. Qigong will seamlessly become part of your everyday life. Living mindfully will enhance your life so you can squeeze the goodness out of every day and keep an eye on tomorrow without worrying about yesterday. With your new-found confidence you’ll be able to join my daily live qigong classes but if you can’t make those, remember you can watch my catch-up classes at any time.

How much is it?

Let me introduce you to Dāna. In Buddhism, Dāna is the practice of cultivating generosity. I believe that Qigong and Mindfulness are The People’s Practices and everyone has the right to be happy and healthy. As such, my teachings are given freely because they are considered priceless. Dāna is not payment for goods or services rendered; it is given from the heart because you have truly benefited from them.

So, there is no charge for this Challenge. Instead, I’m asking for a donation. After the 30 days, think about how you have benefitted from the course, what it was worth to you and make a donation. How much you donate is entirely up to you.

Your generosity is a gift that supports not just me, but also the future of sharing these practices with the larger community, and your own practice.

When does it start?

The challenge begins on Monday 25th January 2021. All you need to do is sign up at the bottom of this page.

Buddy up

New to Qigong? Why not buddy up with a friend or two to motivate each other! You can also share your experiences via our Slack community.

How do I make Qigong a daily habit?

Did you know that you are more likely to create a habit if you do it consistently, every day? It’s the same with exercising. Exercising every day is more likely to result in a habit — something that becomes almost automatic, instead of a constant struggle. The reason is that the more consistent your action, the more likely it is to become routine.

Since the first lockdown, hundreds of people have been tuning in to my online live qigong classes every weekday at 8 am. Ten months later, many students still turn up every day to practice their Qigong. Why? Firstly they love it. Secondly, they have realised the huge health benefits that Qigong brings and lastly, I show up live every day, which is a motivation for them to show up too. If for some reason you can’t attend, I record every class so you can easily ‘catch up'.

My 8 tips to make this 30-Day challenge work.

Set a time to attend either the live classes or ‘catch-up’ classes and stick to it.

Pop it in your calendar as an important ‘daily date’ with yourself! If you’re unwell or lack energy, still show up and take it minute-by-minute; even if you just watch and use each class as a visual meditation, you are succeeding!

As much as you commit to the 30-day challenge, I also commit to you.

I will be showing up for you and my students tell me how much it motivates them, to see me alongside them during a class. I will show up every day to motivate and guide you through a nurturing Qigong practice.

We start small.

As the 30 days progress, we build our strength and stamina from 20 minutes a day to 40 minutes. This is perhaps the most useful habit of all. When we start an exercise, we often start with lots of energy, enthusiasm and ambition. We think we can do more than we can. However, doing too much in the beginning leads to burnout and we quit our habit. The key is to get out there, get your body slowly used to daily exercise, and form that habit.

We progress later.

Once your body is used to daily exercise, you can slowly start to build your knowledge and experience. The way I teach is very accessible and you’ll be able to feel confident because you already have the stamina and daily habit in place. The rest will take care of itself.

We make it pleasurable.

Learning Qigong is definitely that and when you add an ounce of humour into the equation, then it feels amazing! If you associate a habit with pain, you will shy away from it. But if it’s fun, you’ll look forward to doing it. That’s why, in this beginning stage of building new habits, we focus on pleasure. We go slowly and enjoy the challenge.

We make it easy.

The fewer obstacles there are in forming your new habit, the more likely you are to be successful. Each of these classes is delivered to your home; you can take part by watching on your TV, computer, tablet or mobile. You do not need any special equipment or clothing. It’s just you and me, your very own Qigong instructor.

We don’t skip a day.

It’s easy to say, “No problem, I’ve been doing it for five days … I’ll just skip today!” But that will make your habit formation harder. Consistency is key, so try not to skip a single day.

Why Qigong?

It’s important to exercise, we all know that, but what so many people forget is that it’s equally important to nurture your mind as well as your body. These classes give you both. Minute-by-minute it’s the most effective mind-body exercise you can do and with limited time, it's a perfect choice!
